Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Wednesday Ride -It's not a Joke
It's not an april fools joke, there is a ride tomorrow. Leaving 6pm from La Bicicletta. Loops of Stanley Park. Give us a heads up if you're coming. I won't be there but i've put the very capable Liisa in charge of picking routes and group cohesion. Have fun and i'll be out next week.
Monday, March 30, 2009
My second race, my first C's.

As you can see by the look on my face....I was worried. Jen and I rolled up to the start line, looked around in the pack of C's and thought....HOLY SHIT! Where the heck are the other Novices? We only saw team kits, shaved legs and strong looking men and even stronger looking women! But heck it's too late now right. (Claire i did think about letting the air out of my tire and claiming flat...i'll admit it...)
So we rolled out and it was a "neutral roll out". Then the race began with a climb and then descend and then a corner.
As you have read I lost my fellow dEVa Jen right out the gate with a crash that took her out of the race right before the first corner. Now I didn't know at this point it was Jen, I just knew a rider went down.
I tried to steer out of the crash and into the corner and I watched the pack pass me by and that was good-bye to the pack for the rest of the race.
Lucky for me ignorance is bliss. As i had no idea that the whole pack passed me, i figured there must be more behind me still that got caught up in the crash. So i pressed on. I came upon a few that had dropped off the pack and we worked together for a bit, but I was tired and couldn't hang on for long. I also came across "Mighty Rider" Connie who also worked with me for a bit, but eventually she too was off. Riding alone really does take all your "matches" fast. But the fun part was I did get to "visit" with fellow random riders from random groups. First I had a visit with the A's as they whizzed by me and I hung on to their draft for bit as they happen to be going into a decent. (I even got a "cheeky" wink from one of the A's Mighty Riders)..... and then the B's whizzed by and said hello, and then I was caught by an EV'r (Cam i think) who had stopped to help out the crash we rode together and that is when i learned it was Jen who crashed, Cam assured me she was ok. Cam was my race Angel as he gave me a much needed rest/tow for almost a whole lap. And then we were visited by the lead group of the C's who also cheered me on as they passed. I tried to jump back in but they were in their last lap and were all sprinty n shit, and i was all blown out n shit.
I rolled up to the finish line anyway, and I think i may have even missed doing one last lap! My speedo didn't make any sense mathematically, but lets just say for what it's worth that i finished the race! HA!
The Bradner course kicked my ass, lots of climbing and corners and descents. Which is actually really cool, now its just training and getting stronger so I can see what it would feel like riding it with, oh lets say other bikes.....
The good news is that Jen walked away with a real banged up hand, but will be riding again real soon. I got a good dose of "suck it up" , oh and the sun was shining! Our first race in the sun, being able to feel your hands when you change after a race is really cool.
And the farm animals were real friendly, you can see here Adam Barlev made a great new friend, who had no fear of large packs of cyclists coming at him down the road. So for the saftey of our fuzzy little friend and all the racers, Adam had locked him down for a cuddle.

Ove and out.
Liisa "689"
and check out the great race shots from dEVa Jeni
My first 'race' with the Cs
Two hospitals, one ‘procedure’ with a plastic surgeon, a cast, at least five needles, antibiotics, T3s, oxycodone, and possibly kissing my campy record groupo good-bye; this is racing in the Cs? It’s everything I heard it would be. You were right Lisa, I scraped right through to my tendon. Don’t count me out altogether, but it sounds like it will be four weeks off the bike.
To say I am bummed is of course massively understating it. But if it is true that bad things happen in threes, then I am officially done with bike accidents. It could still be a good year yet? I would still like to drive some gals out to the race next Sunday to stay connected and see if I can get some volunteer hours in, so let me know who wants to go.
Crash aside, it was really exciting to be in the Cs so I hope those who haven’t tried it yet will get in there. We can definitely ride in that group! Okay, that’s enough left-handed typing for now. Hope to see you all on the road soon!
To say I am bummed is of course massively understating it. But if it is true that bad things happen in threes, then I am officially done with bike accidents. It could still be a good year yet? I would still like to drive some gals out to the race next Sunday to stay connected and see if I can get some volunteer hours in, so let me know who wants to go.
Crash aside, it was really exciting to be in the Cs so I hope those who haven’t tried it yet will get in there. We can definitely ride in that group! Okay, that’s enough left-handed typing for now. Hope to see you all on the road soon!
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Race report Spring Series #4
Well, it was a typical BC Spring day with lots of rain. The racing dEVas for today were Amy, Anita, Melissa, and myself in the Novice category learning the ropes... Coach dEVa Lisa was also racing today.
We go around the course one time to warm up; we were socked already. Off we go, kindly Race Director, Jeff Ain, shorten the amount of laps for all categories. We get in the front Amy and I, and we stayed there pretty much every lap, taking turns in front of each other working together. They were guys in front of us, which was nice to draft from. Anita and Melissa right behind, on the 4th lap the guys in the front attacked so, this time I changed my gear and got off the seat and followed (Lisa - match #1). Nicely stayed there to keep the n
ose out of the wind, then on the last lap, they attacked again, Amy went for it and followed too, I tried but the gap was slowly getting bigger, shifted gear and then felt the wind coming in… ahh… feeling it hard, then TADA! Right beside me coming to my rescue, dEVa Anita, said “hop on my wheel” thank god… Thanks Anita, you saved me right there. Then I take the time to catch my breath and then come to the left of Anita to sprint for the finish (match #2 - Lisa). At that point I lost track of who was where, it was only between Anita and I, and just for the fun of it… What a trill! Hahaha… It was so much fun… Amy; 4th place, you rock! and thanks for all the pulls, Anita, thanks for saving me. Melissa, we missed you at the end, next time stick around for a group photo. All dEVas; great job! :~) See the video
Friday, March 27, 2009
dEVas Racing Weekend
So, let's recap, who is racing Saturday and who is racing Sunday? Eva needs a ride for Saturday, anyone?
I am racing Saturday only. The tentative riders for Saturday are Amy, Anita and Carelle, anyone else?
I am racing Saturday only. The tentative riders for Saturday are Amy, Anita and Carelle, anyone else?
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Wednesday 25th
This week leaving from La Bicycletta at 6pm to do a few laps of the Park. Reply below so we will know who is coming. (I will not be there....school is almost done and i will come out soon)
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Weeknight Rides -Wednesdays
I want to set up a weeknight ride now that the weather is better and it's light out longer. I was thinking that Wednesday night would be the best night to have this ride....here is why:
1. Monday is usually a recovery ride from a weekend of long rides/races as well a track workout night.
2. Those keen on racing Tuesday and/or Thursday night will be able to come on this ride
3. Friday night is looking like it's also becoming workout night at the track for the trackies on the team and for those who are racing on Saturday, Friday is an easier/shorter ride.
So Wednesday seems to be our day.
I have school wednesday nights and won't be able to ride until the 15th of April but this doesn't mean that the ride can't start right away.
Leaving La Bicycletta at 5:30pm or 6pm....how much time do those who work until 5pm need?
1. Monday is usually a recovery ride from a weekend of long rides/races as well a track workout night.
2. Those keen on racing Tuesday and/or Thursday night will be able to come on this ride
3. Friday night is looking like it's also becoming workout night at the track for the trackies on the team and for those who are racing on Saturday, Friday is an easier/shorter ride.
So Wednesday seems to be our day.
I have school wednesday nights and won't be able to ride until the 15th of April but this doesn't mean that the ride can't start right away.
Leaving La Bicycletta at 5:30pm or 6pm....how much time do those who work until 5pm need?
EV Spring Series 2009 | March 21th | dEVas Race Report
Well, it looked like the only dEVas racing today was me and Eva on Spring Series #2. Eva being in the C group and me, in the Novice category; meaning; we were both on our own in the pack. I was really missing the dEVa girls today; big time. We get there super early, then we did a couple of laps around the course (2) in reverse to warm-up I realized that the bike computer was stuck and wasn’t giving data. I tried to move the sensors around with no luck. I took a few photos and filmed the starts and kept on going around the course in reverse to keep warming-up and to because my start was not until 12 anyway.
It was a super beautiful sunny day but with huge headwinds and I kept on going around the course. Now after 4 laps around I get to the finishing line side and Jeff asked me run an errand, so I ride on the other side to talk to Adam, (1 more lap), then Adam asked me to bring him a radio (Jeff has then on the other side) So I go around daring the wind alone again get the radio for Adam. (1 more lap) By the time I get to Jeff it’s 11:45pm, my start is soon. So I ride like crazy to the other side to give the radio to Adam then ride to the other side, just in time for my start. (1 more lap – Lisa, I used one match right there, before the race) Do you think 6 laps before a 4 laps race is smart? How stupid was that?
Then I get to the start of the Novice group, then I catch-up my breath, give the camera to Danika, and we are set and go. I started in the front pack behind these guys, I think I was in 4/5 position drafting away. I felt great and strong. I managed to stay for the first lap, then on the second lap when we get to the hill climb, I shifted gear and it didn’t kick in, I kept on pedaling knowing that at any moment the derailleur will release, then it jammed… To avoid the chain popping, I stopped pedaling for a sec and reverse the stroke to unjam it as I was going uphill. I lost all my advantage by that point and was in the back of the pack, actually 100 feet from it. So, I started chasing to regain my place in the front and to close the gap… (Lisa, I used match #2, right then) Then I started having breathing issues, like my lungs were closing out on me and I could only take short breaths, the gap was getting bigger and bigger, still facing the wind…. Then some C group riders were passing me by on the left, so I hoped on their wheels to catch-up my breath, they carried me to the finishing line on lap # 2 and then I dropped out of the race feeling dizzy and like I would faint and I couldn’t breath. A combination of the wind bringing pollen, the hay allergy and the physical effort I believe triggered all this, without mentioning the end of a bronchitis… that on top of all the cyclist mistakes in one race. Actually, not ALL the cyclist mistakes; I was well hydrated, well nourished and well rested... Thank god! lol Live and Learn, next week, I will be stronger and wiser... You betcha!
What I have learned?
1. Next time if I ever race alone again. I will do a couple laps max to study the course/winds and get on the trainer beside my car. I will not over do it…
2. Always take an allergy tablet when racing in the countryside in the spring. Does anyone know what is not a banned substance? Not like I’m planning to go pro or anything, but I believe in drug free cycling. Suggestions anyone?
3. Always race with my asthma puffers.
4. Lube the chain before a race depending on weather conditions.
5. Always make sure your bike computer is working before a race…
6. And yes, I can say “no” next time if someone asked me to run an errand before my post time.
7. Don’t do 6 laps warm-up on a 4 laps race… lol
Watch the video of the race
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Ride Sunday March 22
I will not be able to make the ride on Sunday morning anymore. I apologize to those who would have liked to work on sprinting. We will run another sprinting clinic soon.
Next Ride is on April 4th and we will be working on descending. This means that we will be climbing. I'd like to change up the ride and go somewhere else. Perhaps a ride to horseshoe bay/deep cove.
Next Ride is on April 4th and we will be working on descending. This means that we will be climbing. I'd like to change up the ride and go somewhere else. Perhaps a ride to horseshoe bay/deep cove.
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
March 21
Since many are racing on Saturday i thought that it would be good to have two training sessions this weekend. There is going to be the regular ride this saturday morning for those who are not racing. We will do a ride and incorporate sprint training along the route. Then on Sunday we will have another training ride leaving from Calhouns at 9am and we will head out and do some sprint training as well.
Looks like the weather will be nice and it will be rather warm!!!
Good luck to everyone who is racing.
See you Sat/Sun
Looks like the weather will be nice and it will be rather warm!!!
Good luck to everyone who is racing.
See you Sat/Sun
Monday, March 16, 2009
Race Day | Escape Velocity dEVas Spring Series | #1
I mean I’ve done triathlons and dualthlons before and I can tell you right now that I had no idea what I was doing, and that if I placed well in those events, it was only because I was a strong runner back then. hahaha
After riding group rides practicing drills with EV and the dEVas great training sessions we became a strong formation. Then we took the fabulous Learn to Race Clinic with Instructors Lisa Howard and Claire Cameron along with other members of Escape Velocity's and Cycling BC. Then we were set to...
Race Day | Escape Velocity Spring Series | #1
River Road – Langley, BC
We get there early and take the time to get a warm up ride together. A bit cloudy but no rain yet, then we go riding around the course. I think we did two laps (dEVas correct me if I’m wrong). Then we get to the starting line and then we go...
We the dEVas stayed together, well we were separated a few times but reunited at sprint corners most of the times and we stuck on each others wheels. On the second lap I got boxed in the right side and almost crashed into the ditch, I think Johanna saw it too... That was scary… It took me a while to get back in the left line and to the front behind Liisa but I did it. That was the trill of the day for me. Then the rain started... but I mean rain, pissing down, I was literally spiting the wheels water from the person in front of me of my mouth making a stupid noise, then at mid-course the snow started; big flakes... My hands and feet were frozen, I recall blowing on my fingers several times...
Jen was in the front behind the testosterone guys and drafting away while Liisa right behind also favoring the draft. I was right behind Liisa’s wheel for a couple laps then dropped behind that guy in the orange jacket. On the 500 mark no one was really sprinting, so I got out of my seat and gave I real hard, but I was not really going any faster... I wonder why? Really, I wonder why? Should I’ve shift gear? Was my position on the bike wrong? Did I have any juice left in my legs? I don’t know... It was really a blur to me that sprint. I will find out though and I will let you know when I do...
My daughter Bianca was filming the event; thanks sweety pie... Here is the video. Enjoy!
After riding group rides practicing drills with EV and the dEVas great training sessions we became a strong formation. Then we took the fabulous Learn to Race Clinic with Instructors Lisa Howard and Claire Cameron along with other members of Escape Velocity's and Cycling BC. Then we were set to...
Race Day | Escape Velocity Spring Series | #1
River Road – Langley, BC
We get there early and take the time to get a warm up ride together. A bit cloudy but no rain yet, then we go riding around the course. I think we did two laps (dEVas correct me if I’m wrong). Then we get to the starting line and then we go...
We the dEVas stayed together, well we were separated a few times but reunited at sprint corners most of the times and we stuck on each others wheels. On the second lap I got boxed in the right side and almost crashed into the ditch, I think Johanna saw it too... That was scary… It took me a while to get back in the left line and to the front behind Liisa but I did it. That was the trill of the day for me. Then the rain started... but I mean rain, pissing down, I was literally spiting the wheels water from the person in front of me of my mouth making a stupid noise, then at mid-course the snow started; big flakes... My hands and feet were frozen, I recall blowing on my fingers several times...
Jen was in the front behind the testosterone guys and drafting away while Liisa right behind also favoring the draft. I was right behind Liisa’s wheel for a couple laps then dropped behind that guy in the orange jacket. On the 500 mark no one was really sprinting, so I got out of my seat and gave I real hard, but I was not really going any faster... I wonder why? Really, I wonder why? Should I’ve shift gear? Was my position on the bike wrong? Did I have any juice left in my legs? I don’t know... It was really a blur to me that sprint. I will find out though and I will let you know when I do...
My daughter Bianca was filming the event; thanks sweety pie... Here is the video. Enjoy!
Race Report from 759

Flandrien. A Belgin friend told me that is what
they call racers who are not afraid of the snow, rain, and cobbles. So I would say the dEVa's are all Flandriens as of yesterday!
The weather conditions couldn't have been worse and our results couldn't have been better!
It looks like Jen Brummit - 760 placed 3rd and Liisa Ingimundson (yours truly) 759 placed 4th. And from what we can tell Carelle, Sigrid and Jo were very close on our wheels!
So as far as the race report...
The group stayed together as a pack for the whole race, with some jostling for position for the front throughout and then a sprint at the end. I would have like to have seen some break aways and some pursuits but I myself didn't know if I could finish what I started if I made one happen! Ha!
Jen held tight to a riders wheel who was pulling at the front the whole race and positioned her perfectly for the sprint at the end. Myself, Jo, Sigrid and Carelle were staying up front jumping wheels and working together to stay up front.
Next time I say the dEVas should pull out together and attack!!!
I think everyone would agree it was a blast and a huge success for our first race and the first race of the season. Thank you too all the EV'er who made it happen. Thanks to Lisa and Claire for the coaching and the race clinic the day before. I think the race tactics lessons helped all of us.
I also think everyone would agree that trying to change out of wet cold clothes after the race in a four door Volvo, might have been more challenging than the race itself!
Over and out from 759.

Saturday, March 14, 2009
Thanks to everyone who made it out to the Learn to Race today. It was a little wet and cold but i was impressed with everyones enthusiasm and tactics in the mock race.
Good luck to everyone who is racing tomorrow.
Let us know how your race went.
Just looking at our riding schedule for next week....there is another novice race next Saturday so i was thinking that we could switch our group ride to sunday for those who wanted to race on saturday. What do you think? We could also run a ride on saturday and sunday if there are not many who want to race.
Good luck to everyone who is racing tomorrow.
Let us know how your race went.
Just looking at our riding schedule for next week....there is another novice race next Saturday so i was thinking that we could switch our group ride to sunday for those who wanted to race on saturday. What do you think? We could also run a ride on saturday and sunday if there are not many who want to race.
Monday, March 9, 2009
CarPool to LTRace
Is anyone driving to the Learn to Race on Saturday? If you have room for people and bikes let us know. Liisa is looking for a ride.
Friday, March 6, 2009
Learn to Race
Lisa has been organizing this years Learn to Race. Check out full details and registration here. Part of the proceeds go to dEVas so if you know anyone who is thinking of racing this year or might want to race in the future bring them along or pass on the information. The clinic takes place on the first Spring Series Course so it's a great way to prepare yourself for racing and get rid of some of the nervousness.
Group Riding Week Days
With the time change i know i will be doing more week night rides and it would be great to get the team riding together. Is there a day in particular that anyone would rather ride on? I was also thinking that instead of making a set night that we could use the blog as a way of letting others know when we are going to ride. Just a quick post with the time and place you are leaving from and then others will know that they have someone to ride with if they were planning on going out. What do you think? We can talk about this more on Saturday morning as well.
Saturday March 7th
Snow isn't going to stop us, right? Well not me anyways....tomorrow is another dEVa ride and we are going to be working on pacelines again. We will also do some echelons (pacelines for windy weather) if there are enough riders. Where do you guys want to go? We can go around Richmond or if you want to go somewhere else, please feel free to start commenting here.
I'll be at Calhouns early for coffee. Hope to see everyone out.
I'll be at Calhouns early for coffee. Hope to see everyone out.
Climbing Question
There was a question about when to sit or stand while climbing and if it makes a difference to efficiency or power. Again i went to Pez (i don't get all my info there) and found this article. Check the bottom for a nice summary.
Today is mass posting day. Here is another link i have found on climbing (pt 1) and (pt 2) in pez cycling. Check out the technique tips, especially if you are going to be racing in the spring series...these are race tips. Then for those of us who are allergic to climbing, the mental tips are great. I especially like #8!
Group Riding
I have found a good article on Pacelines in Pez magazine. If you need a refresher or missed our paceline days we did as a group a while ago check it out.
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Isa Szeto