Well, it was a typical BC Spring day with lots of rain. The racing dEVas for today were Amy, Anita, Melissa, and myself in the Novice category learning the ropes... Coach dEVa Lisa was also racing today.
We go around the course one time to warm up; we were socked already. Off we go, kindly Race Director, Jeff Ain, shorten the amount of laps for all categories. We get in the front Amy and I, and we stayed there pretty much every lap, taking turns in front of each other working together. They were guys in front of us, which was nice to draft from. Anita and Melissa right behind, on the 4th lap the guys in the front attacked so, this time I changed my gear and got off the seat and followed (Lisa - match #1). Nicely stayed there to keep the n
ose out of the wind, then on the last lap, they attacked again, Amy went for it and followed too, I tried but the gap was slowly getting bigger, shifted gear and then felt the wind coming in… ahh… feeling it hard, then TADA! Right beside me coming to my rescue, dEVa Anita, said “hop on my wheel” thank god… Thanks Anita, you saved me right there. Then I take the time to catch my breath and then come to the left of Anita to sprint for the finish (match #2 - Lisa). At that point I lost track of who was where, it was only between Anita and I, and just for the fun of it… What a trill! Hahaha… It was so much fun… Amy; 4th place, you rock! and thanks for all the pulls, Anita, thanks for saving me. Melissa, we missed you at the end, next time stick around for a group photo. All dEVas; great job! :~) See the video
wow, way to work together, u girls rule!
you kept your noses out of the wind!
you stayed near the front!
you took chances!